M: 07728 795233
M: 07728 795233
M: 07728 795233
M: 07728 795233
Product Design is about defining a problem and then thinking about all the possible solutions to that problem. It is about how a product looks, feels, what materials are used, functionality, performance etc. Product design encompasses a variety of areas of expertise. This can be from graphics designers, industrial designers, user researchers, design engineers, interface designers, electronics engineers - anyone who is involved or needs tobe involved with some part of a project.
Essentially, product design is about the specification for a part or group of parts that make up the design of a product. This may include things like:
When we have a viable concept or idea, we will rapid prototype it so you can see it in real life. 3D printing is generally the method used in the early stages of a design.
We will then develop and tweak the concept further. We have many rapid prototyping processes at our fingertips, so we will advise on the correct one for your design.
We take your ideas and sketch them out
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