M: 07728 795233
M: 07728 795233
M: 07728 795233
M: 07728 795233
3D CAD modelling is the ability to take a sketch or design and build it in a virtual 3D space.
We use Solidworks 3D CAD software to create 3D parts and designs of your idea. We can export parts into a wide variety of formats to suit your needs.
Using Solidworks, we can create multiple parts and build them into as built products. This helps us to ensure the design and manufacture of the product is as near to perfect as possible before we prototype. We can see any clashes and mis-fit before anything is made. This makes a more efficient design process which saves you money.
We can export assembled products into a wide variety of formats to suit your needs.
We create professional engineering drawings from the either the models we make, or your pencil sketches. We can export drawings into a wide variety of formats to suit your needs.
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